Command Reference
’s usage looks like:
$ ./dcccli [OPTIONS]
- -h, --help
Prints help information on options and exits.
- -s,--schema text:file
Path/name of the DCC++ EX Layout Schema file. If this file is omitted we will look for the the schema file in the current directory. If not found the system will continue but no validation of the layout will be done and this may yield unpredictable results.
- -l,--layout text:file
Path/name of the modelrailroad layout file.
- -v,--verbose [setting]
Verbose settings. Setting can be one of
. Default is set toinfo
will provide the most verbose output.
- -i,--interactive
Interactive mode; Opens a shell from which commands can be issued. Once the cli has started type
at the prompt for more information:
$ ./dcccli -i
Welcome to the DCC++ EX Commandline Interface
Version 1.0.0-alpha
Build 100123
In order to use the dcccli to upload the standard commandtation binary to your supported arduino platform the follwoing can be used
- -m,--mcu text
set the mcu architecture can be one of uno, mega or nano
- -u,--upload Needs: --mcu --port
upload the cs code to the mcu set in -m or –mcu connected to the port -p
To connect to your commandstation when starting dcccli use the following options. This can not be used at thesame time as the -u option
- -p,--port text
set the port to which the arduino is connected for uploading
- -c,--commandstation Needs: --port
Connect to the commandstation either on the serial port (-p) of the DCC++ EX commandstation. If -i has been specified as well, after sending, the interactive commandline interface will be available.
- -b,--baud INT
Set the baud rate for serial connection. If omitted the default of 115200 is used